Friday, April 18, 2014

Is the High Sec POS about to be abolished?

CCP has recently posted blog 2 of 6 in their summer expansion set of dev blogs.  This one is about the changing of the manufacturing lines.  If you haven't read it by now, you must be living under a rock.  So, go read it already.

So, there is wild speculation about what this is going to mean for those of us that use High Sec space Player Owned Stations (POS) to get around the lack of station slots for copying, material research, and production time research.  While I do that, I have also (recently) expanded into having a POS in a system that does not have any industry in the local stations - therefore, I'm playing with manufacturing from the POS in High Sec as well.  

I have a few concerns that I hope will be addressed in the remaining four blogs - but only time will tell, of course.  Therefore, I'm in a bit of a quandary.  I was planning to expand - to put more towers up - even with the inability to see what is in the POS containers (except from the external API) [please don't get me started on my rant of how stupid it is that the external API can tell me what materials I have in the modules/containers anchored at the POS but the game client can't].

I don't have any remarkably expensive original blue prints (BPOs) that I would have to risk in the new method of doing things, but still - a researched BPO is an item that it is going to take TIME to replace, not just ISK - therefore, it is as precious to me as the time I would have to invest to go purchase a new ME/PE 0 BPO from an NPC and then do the ME/PE researching (and most of mine are either researched to "optimum" or as close as they can get with up to a month of ME and a month of PE).

I don't believe that this change (as some have posted on the threadnaught) is there to let the GOONs put POSs up in all of High Sec - after all Gevlon's war on the GOONs is not in need of that many targets :)

I'm conflicted about whether this is a good or a bad change.  I need to see what changes CCP is going to make to the actual interface and how much we can see into the POS modules and containers without being in a ship at the POS (which today is absolutely nothing).  Let's face it, anything that is not the current mechanic of

  1. right click on BP, select Manufacturing
  2. click on select slot, chose the correct POS assembly array, select the slot
  3. Press ENTER do not click ok - or you'll get that dreaded "you do realize this is not right now" window
  4. Select the number of the item you want to make
  5. Press ENTER
  6. Now, you can see how many materials you are missing in the POS...
  7. Load up the needed materials from your station hanger into your transport
  8. Trundle off to the POS
  9. Move the materials from your transport into the correct POS assembly array
  10. Now, back on that quote window that you left open... click on the REFRESH button
  11. Repeat steps 7-10 if you screwed up and didn't get all your mats
  12. Finally, it is all green check marks - accept the quote.
Has got to be better.  The question is going to be - is it better enough to be worth the risk you are taking by putting the blueprint(s) into the POS instead of leaving them safe in your station hanger.

Until the next time...


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