Friday, September 17, 2021

Gateway Quadrant for the ???

Yeah, CCP suckered me back in with this promise of an updated "new character experience".  Yup, it's updated...  You get to die again.  Well, actually, you are forced into it, no option this time around.  I had high hopes at first when they handed me an Astero to fly -- wow, new characters are getting ... oh, I have to get it blown up and me with it... Ok, now it makes sense.

Afterward, you walk through the new skill "experience" and how the AIR group has whole plans (I think someone discovered the old skill certificates system and put a new face on it) you can just dump into your queue (of course, you need to purchase the books at a markup over what you can find them for in the market from NPC vendors).  And... may the gods help you if your not-so-new character never bothered with all those useless fighting skills because you don't have much choice of slot configuration on a freighter... cuz, you don't get anywhere until you train up those initial (aka REQUIRED GUYS AND GALS) AIR plan skills...


Once Aura (bless her blue skin) dumped my new character on the tender mercies of the career agents (yup, same old same old here) - I abandoned the "new" new character experience and went back to playing my Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 characters...

Yup, CCP made changes - they're still pushing PVP down your throat as if there is no other valid game play and if you aren't in a corporation you don't deserve to enjoy the game.


Well, I dropped by... but, I am gone again.

Maybe, if CCP survives another five years, I'll see if they've made any real improvements to the game or if they are still rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic...

Until next time.  Be safe out there.
